Cijene ulaznica za ovu izvedbu su simbolične i izvedba je namijenjena za djecu do 16 godina (uz pratnju jednog roditelja/odrasle osobe). I dijete i pratnja moraju imati ulaznicu za događaj.
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x{{ cartItem.quantity }}
{{ cartItem.price }} BAM
Fee: {{ cartItem.bookingFeePrice }} BAM
{{ cartItem.ticketType }}
Position: {{ cartItem.label }}
{{ cartItem.price }} BAM
Fee: {{ cartItem.bookingFeePrice }} BAM
{{baseTotal}} BAM
{{total_fee_quantity}}x Fee :
{{customerFeeTotal}} BAM
{{baseTotal}} BAM
-{{discount}} BAM
{{shoppingBasketTotal}} BAM
Please leave no empty seats
{{ data.lang }}
What is the Booking fee?
The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.
Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .
Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.
Booking fee is non-refundable.
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